5 Rural Health Care
Showcase your facility's excellence in patient care to enhance community health.
Get the recognition you deserve.

Recognize your facility's achievements.
Quality of care happens close to home. Recognizing excellence lets your community know the achievements of your facility in providing patient care and ensuring a healthy community.
Quarterly Star Ratings
Our Star Rating System ranks rural and critical access health care from 1 to 5 stars based on patient satisfaction scores.
Annual Honor Roll
Every year we announce a new Honor Roll for those rural and critical access health care facilities that meet the highest standards.

Asset package
Show off your stuff
Included with each subscription are custom 4 and 5 Star marketing materials for recognition in social, press releases, web graphics, logos, link to a custom recognition page on the NRRS website and more.

Patient Benchmarking
How it works
NRRS benchmarks your existing patient satisfaction scores to give your rural facility the rating and recognition it deserves.

Why sign up
NRRS sets credible criteria to rate rural hospitals, critical access facilities, emergency departments, and clinics, that don’t qualify for the CMS Care Compare program.
How it works
NRRS gives rural facilities star ratings from their patient satisfaction data.
Star ratings for rural
Most rural facilities do not meet the 100 responses needed to qualify for a CMS Star Rating.
NRRS evaluates each domain on a rolling year and bases your score on a stringent formula adjusted for rural health care’s smaller scale to award a star rating.
Which patient surveys are eligible?
Currently only HCAHPS are offered, two others are under development.

How do I sign up?
It’s quick and easy to register your health care facility for only $250 annually.

What are the benefits?
A 4 or 5 Star NRRS rating boosts your facility’s profile, increases visibility, builds trust, strengthens brand loyalty, and provides tools to improve quality of care.